Focusing on conservative issues will pull our nation together. However, the presidential election is not that far away and what both parties talk about is pure rhetoric*—with both sides talking about being for the people, understanding their needs and wants. I cannot believe that the American people are that shallow to be taken in by a candidate’s good looks, or a spouse’s good looks, or one’s religious background, etc., etc., etc. Whatever happened to the issues? Why are the candidates not talking about the issues? I want to hear about the issues and what the candidates will do once they are in office. I want to know this before they are in office—not after they are in office.
At the last presidential election, a candidate was chosen because he looked good and talked the rhetoric very well. And now look where this nation is.
More than a year ago, I heard much more talk on conservative radio promoting the issues of flat tax, privatization, ending entitlements, ending earmarks and more. Yet these conservative talk-show hosts, as we get closer to the 2012 election, do not mention any of these. I am hard pressed to even find any presidential Republican candidate even suggesting issues of the flat tax, privatization, entitlements, ending earmarks and more for their campaign. This is a great idea brought to the American people’s attention through conservative talk radio. What happened? Where are the candidates on these issues?
Besides balancing the budget, where are the other great conservative values at reducing the size and scope of government? Where are the candidates on the conservative issues of removing abortion, ending entitlement programs and the privatization of government? What is happening with Social Security? Will it be privatized? What about the US Postal Service? Will it, too, be privatized because of the money it is losing––sold off or given away to FedEx or UPS, or both? Will the American people put a stop to the grip the unions have on the school system because of their ineptness with our children? What is going to happen with our borders, or will a candidate state that a new law be put into place that all employers use legal aliens?
Conservative values are being overshadowed with Republican quick fixes, with temporary bandages being applied to the problems this nation is facing. Besides what I hear now in the news about a balanced budget, where are the more important conservative issues that will help balance the budget further?
There is no true conservative because the Republican Party is saturated with RINOs. They are polluting the Republican Party. Their infiltration can be very hard to detect: they speak one way and vote the other.
When the American people go to the polls to vote, and that vote is over 80% for a true conservative hero, then not even the Thin Layer or their unions, or special interest groups, will be able to deny the voice of the people.
Please go to the websites and look up the issues for our nation. I highly recommend “The Heritage Foundation.”
True Republicans need to weed out the RINOs from their own party if they are ever to achieve some semblance of their own party’s worth.
Both parties are polluted with socialistic tendencies. Just look at our nation now: neither wants nor is trying very hard to help the American people. The American people have elected our nation’s leaders into office, and it will be the American people that remove them.
* Rhetoric: Language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect on its audience, but is often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content.