Part Two: Entitlement Wows

After reading part one, part two just seems to fall into place:

Presenters have been convincing the American public for decades that entitlements are needed for the good of this country. But, America needs to ask: are they? This question should never be answered by the 1% for their very own businesses.

The other 99% of Americans need to see that their tax dollars are being taken from them for failing government businesses. Excuse me, 49%, because the other 50% of Americans are not paying their laissez-faire share; they are noninterventionist.* This group has been shown that they do not pay any taxes. This means that 50%, this group, do not care what happens with entitlements. Why should they since they pay no tax?

For this reason, the consensus is that the one-per-centers are for entitlements, and half of Americans who do not pay taxes, do not care about entitlements. This leaves 49% that care about their taxes. However, they do not have a majority to do anything about entitlements. Wake up, America!

I also believe that the 1% wish and want to direct and control the entitlement programs to add support to their Democratic Party. They are good people, well intentioned, but as a whole, they do not get it or see that entitlements are pulling down this nation.

The Democratic Party does not necessarily believe in a large government, but they believe in a liberal agenda—a government that controls the affairs of the individual, thus taking equality away from the individual, and this in itself leads to larger government.

The Democratic Party believes that they are making a difference for America. They do not, however, see that the tax dollars going to the public sector can be turned around and put to better use by having a shift to the private or business sector. This is where tax dollars are no longer being taken from Americans. No entitlement programs means no tax is taken from the people.

Government-run businesses have never done well for the population of Americans. However, shrink government down in size and scope, away from our tax dollars, and these same dollars can go to businesses to help grow our economy. Why? Because businessmen would make a profit: they know how to run and make good profitable businesses for the growth of this nation. President Ronald Reagan said it best:

“Public servants say, always with the best of intentions, ‘What greater service we could render if only we had a little more money and a little more power.’ But the truth is that outside of its legitimate function, government does nothing as well or as economically as the private sector.” (address to the nation, October 27, 1964)**


* Research Internet search engine: half of all Americans do not pay tax.

** For more of President Reagan’s quotes, go to the website: