America at the Polling Booths

Making drastic changes, especially moving to a single party, starts at the polling booths. It will be up to Americans to move this nation forward by voting toward a single party that chooses conservative values and conservative issues. By voting on the issues that will move our nation forward, the American people will then be voting with a much higher percentage to move toward a unified America that is not divided between Republican and Democrat.

Every four years, Americans will be going to the voting booths, not to vote between two parties, but on the issues that will move this nation forward. This unifies all Americans, and tells the world that America is the strongest nation upon this earth. This united cause represents the smallest and simplest form of government for the people—small in size and simple in that our government is straightforward, easy to understand, and uncomplicated in all of its actions.

America must move to a simpler form of government, returning to our Founding Fathers’ conservative values, by adhering to the positive principle of equality for each individual’s rights. This is done by dwindling the government down in size and scope of its influences on mankind’s development. Moving to the issues of a flat tax, removing entitlements, and privatizing nearly every facet of government will cut every taxpayer’s amount well in half of what they are paying now. This does not mean the loss of jobs—this means bringing back an overabundance of jobs across America.

Pay scales of workers will rise, and spending by Americans will increase, starting a chain reaction that is beneficial for our nation.