Losing Jobs in the Marketplace

Moving from a liberal agenda to a full conservative agenda will bring with it many out-of-work individuals. There is the real possibility of losing jobs in the public marketplace. However, moving employees out of government will decrease the unemployment rate at the private sector of businesses.

Many high-paying jobs will be lost when rules and regulations are abandoned by the government’s intrusions into the private sector of businesses. But note this: America is over 10 percent unemployed at the private sector. Wouldn’t it make more sense, be more prudent, to lose less than 2 percent of employees at government positions? To move the government’s public system entitlements and other programs into the private sector? Also, to remove jobs in government by moving to a new flat-tax system if the outcome is to increase employment in the private sector? Both entitlements and the flat tax will have a beneficial mark on the unemployed of this nation.

My point: By losing 2 percent in government employment to unemployment brings back, say, 8 to 10 percent in the private sector of businesses. Then, would it not be prudent to lessen the government’s involvement through enacting the flat tax and eventually the end of entitlements?

Those moving back into the workforce in the private sector will grow our economy. On the other hand, the workforce in the public sector is getting their funds from the private sector by means of their taxes. So ending the public sector would bring back more money into the private sector by way of far less taxes. Also note, those losing their jobs in government can then look to get new ones at the private sector, thus adding to the economy.

In conclusion, then, isn’t it worth the move from a liberal agenda to a conservative one? Isn’t it worth the move from a two-party system of government to a single-party?

Please note: The majority of workers in the public sector will not lose their jobs. They are still needed; there will only be a transfer from public to private businesses to grow the economy and reduce taxes.