The Heart of America: Must Be Conservative

As I have noted in my book and my blogs, it is not up to me to move this nation to a single government bringing with it a unified nation. This is up to the American people at the polling booths. As pure conservative issues are implemented at reducing the size and scope of government, eventually political liberal ideals will move out of government (entitlements) and into the private sector, where they should be, where they must be.

It must be noted that the majority of Americans are having the wool pulled over their eyes. In truth, there is only a handful of liberal representation, far less who would wish to make the rules and laws of liberalism to guide the American people. Yet, once the people unite behind a single conservative platform for/of truth, then the full power of government will be turned over to the American people. The wealth of these United States will then far exceed all of our nation’s history combined.

Our nation will grow and prosper as never before. The people representing the private sector will make right choices/decisions-–they always have. Therefore, more tax money will be given to the people for further growth by making right choices to end the hold of government upon the people.

Yes! I am guessing, but consider this: When government programs are moved to the private sector, more money from taxpayers is given back to all Americans.

When the wealth of government as higher taxes is given back to the people, when entitlements end, or are gradually replaced and moved within private businesses–then there will be more than enough money to remove poverty, welfare, food stamps, and the other programs that are strangling this nation.

Money given back to Americans can be used to reduce poverty, welfare, and food stamps, and the other programs can be purchased with more money coming in from our new tax system. By implementing the flat tax—the progressive tax system is broken down–-gives more money back to Americans. (Please go to the Heritage Foundation’s website ( to view two articles on the flat tax: “A Brief Guide to the Flat Tax” and “Flat Tax is the Way of the Future.” Daniel Mitchell, PhD wrote both articles.)

Conservatism must be the guide for our nation. In Congress, Republicans and Democrats represent two opposing beliefs for ideas, principles, ethics, morals––pressing upon the American people. These diverse ideologies have never worked well together. Whenever something does not work, I refer to this as the Chaos Principle.* Therefore, both sides are within a power struggle, with the American people caught in the middle.

As the American people realize more that a single political party would unite our nation, only then will our nation move in the right direction, in a better direction.

At the next political election in less than a year, it will be up to the American people to make the final decisions—not corporations, unions, special interest groups, foreign governments, politicians, or a president. When the American people go to the polls to vote, this vote must be so overwhelming that nothing can deny the voice of the people.

Together, America will stand; divided, America will fall.

Real Conservatism must surpass all expectations of not only winning, but also becoming the heart and soul of our nation. For this to work, a single unified government must be based on the TRUTH of the issues, and the elimination of corruption.


* Chaos Principle is found in my book The Unauthorized Conservative’s Handbook.