Democrats–Liberals: Their Hearts Must Be Privatized

Government never asked the people how or where they should put their tax dollars. This is the one most important issue of the people over government. (See my blog article “The Republic.”)

By having a strong nation based only on conservative values for our government, Americans must also have a strong liberal base to continue their work, but in the private sector only. Democrats must move out of government for our nation to expand. Never before in our history has there ever been such a stranglehold on American taxpayer monies.

With a conservative government condensing entitlement programs, these programs will be reduced and eventually eliminated in size at the public level. Private enterprises know better how to run successful businesses, to reduce their overall costs, and to make profits, and at the same time adhering to the wishes of the American people. These programs will become increasingly stronger at the private level to handle all individual programs.

Again, government never asked the people how or where they should put their tax dollars: this is the most important issue of the people over government. If entitlement programs are to be kept at the public sector, then they must be voted on by the American people, and not by Congress.

Democratic liberals have always had very good hearts for the American people; however, it is not up to the liberals of our nation to decide for the people where our tax dollars should go. Democratic liberals have well-meaning agendas; however, they are misplaced when the American people are left out.


Liberalism must be moved out of government and put into the private sector. This alone gives back more money from every American’s taxes and adds growth to our nation.

Moving the majority of organizations in government to the private sector reduces government down in size and scope. When government shrinks down in size, government will become much more proficient at working for the people.

When Congress does finally pass the balanced budget amendment, they will be much more capable at handling the budget with a smaller government and will be able to watch where Americans’ monies are going.