I have often wondered: Why it is that Conservatives are called the “right” and Liberals are called the “left?”
In the Holy Bible, I came across this proverb in Ecclesiastes 10:2-3 of the New International Version (NIV).
2 The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.
3 Even as fools walk along the road, they lack sense and show everyone how stupid they are.
Can’t get any simpler than that.
Have you ever wondered why it is Democrats lack intelligence or common sense on core American issues like lowering taxes, putting up a wall, standing for the rights of a baby in the womb who cannot defend itself, or requiring a picture ID across the nation for true Americans to vote?
When important issues like these need to move forward, Democrats don’t have the brains to vote in favor of the American people.
Democrats should represent the American people. Democrats would like the American public to think they are for the people. They are not.
So who do they really represent? Here’s the truth: Democrats would rather represent the corporations that fund their campaigns. In return for those donations, democrats pass votes that acquire monies through grants and subsidies that can be channeled back to those corporations. Some of that money then loops back to the Democrats to thank them for their loyalty. This is known as money laundering, and if they were not in government, but the private sector, they would go to jail.
Besides the corporations, there are also the far left wing groups that – even together – only represent a small fraction of the total American vote. But they are swaying the Democrats in office.
November is coming, and the American voter needs to stand with our President on the conservative values that he was elected for. So what can true conservatives do?
Americans need to go to the polls and vote in record numbers. This is more true than ever before. Conservative Americans need to return to the polls and show their support for the conservative principles our founding fathers set in motion for this great nation.
The mission of ‘The Heritage Foundation’ is based on our founding fathers. It is the same mission that other great conservative institutions have been standing for. This is the true formula to promote conservative public politics based on the principles of:
- Free Enterprise
- Limited Government
- Individual Freedom
- Traditional American Values
- A Strong National Defense
Please support ‘The Heritage Foundation’ or any of your own personal conservative organizations and “Make America Great Again.”