President Trump has a plan in place. He is watching. He knows what it will take for America to flourish again, and he is taking his time to implement these actions. Acting too soon may not be prudent; acting to late may be disastrous.
When these four issues are implemented, they will once again make our nation truly great for all the American people. In the eyes of the world, capitalism will be the new goal. Socialism, which is full of corruption, will be pushed out of power.
Without further ado, here are the four issues that will save our country. I have faith the President will be implementing these in due time.
1. Building the Wall
The wall will put an end to Illegal aliens, drugs and human trafficking. That will increase the wealth of our nation by returning more money to American families.
Democrats have yet to work with our president for newer and stricter legislation related to immigration. The Democratic ideology has drastically changed from being a nation to merging with globalism and essentially removing a nation.
Simply put, Democrats do not want borders while president Trump has spoken the ultimate truth: without borders, you don’t have a country.
2. Backing Up the American Dollar with Gold and Silver
The world has been moving towards a completely computerized digital monetary system. (Google: usury-fractal-banking). Almost all transactions today — from buying groceries to buying a car or a home – are done digitally. Computers are writing checks, and there is no backing of those transactions.
Sooner or later there will be another recession. Those that will lose the most are middle Americans. Several Google articles show that Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. ( “78% Of Workers Live Paycheck To Paycheck”.)
The socialists in office want to give away free education, healthcare and more. How? By printing money to back up its spending. But this is what Venezuela has done. And we all know what state that country is in. Why do Democrats believe they can survive when Venezuela cannot?
3. Sending High-Ranking Officials to Jail
Our president appointed Attorney General William Barr. I have heard that hundreds (or even thousands) of subpoenas will be issued for many members of the deep state, whose crimes go back more than 25 years. Finally, we may be draining the swamp!
Personally, I think the Clintons and Obama should be the first ones put behind bars. I cannot see letting the Clintons go scot-free for Nuclear One or the Benghazi incident. Yet I fear they will never see any jail time. I hope I’m wrong. As for Barack Hussein Obama, Fast and Furious was a disgrace to our nation. Plus, his second term in office was the result of election fraud (many conservative organizations lost their tax expenditures just before the 2012 election). In all fairness, though, this may not be his doing. After all, he is only a plant of the global elites.
But there are so many Democratic leaders that have been abusing their power for the last several decades. Many members of congress passed bills or received gifts for favors that bypassed the American people’s needs. These are crimes that need to be looked at again. For example, Maxine Waters passed a bank bill for “One United” that made her husband rich. The ethics committee found her innocent, but what about the ethics committee itself? How crime free were they? I don’t feel that they did enough to find the truth. Now we may have a chance to finally see some justice.
And here’s an added bonus: When this happens, mainstream media will need to take a good look in the mirror because of these revelations. The news media outlets have been one sided for decades, favoring Democrats and a global system. By putting very high-ranking officials in jail, this sends a clear message to news media outlets that they have been wrong for a very long time.
4. Passing a Balanced Budget Amendment
Donald Trump knows that after the first three issues are tackled, the Balanced Budget Amendment is next.
Our president cannot move forward with a Balanced Budget Amendment until the budget is under control. After all, how can a budget for America be put in place when it is so out of control now? You cannot balance a budget if you don’t know where the money is going or has gone. The President is working to fix all that.
Once the first three initiatives are complete: the wall is built, banks no longer control the printing of money, and government crooks are in jail, costs are eliminated or reduced. Only then can a Balance Budget Amendment be put into place.
The deep state would like you to think that money grows on trees. The spending the Democrats talk about in their campaign pledges will lead our nation down the path to socialism. And we know what happens to socialist countries: many of them are running their nations now on air alone. Democrats spend taxpayer money that they do not have. Taxes go up income goes down — plain and simple. You cannot spend what you do not have.
President Trump knows what we need to do. And I have faith he’s going to do it. Now we just need to make sure he has until 2024 to do so.