It’s never been the government’s duty to take care of Americans. It is, however, Americans’ responsibility to take care of Americans. That includes family and friends taking care of each other, and those who are able donating to church groups or to organizations that offer help to our communities and our nation. This is true capitalism at work. Everyone benefits.
What Happens When Government Gets Involved
Some people believe that the government should step in and help those who are less fortunate. But here’s the truth.
Government “help” = Government regulations = Economic stagnation
You see, the private sector uses their lobbyists for more control of industries. Businesses and government end up controlling the wealth and distribution between corporations and government. Monopolies are created, keeping out the competition. Americans lose their rights. American jobs and salaries are restricted and reduced. This is just bad for America.
Bottom line: offering “help” to Americans must never be left up to government. Their continued regulations simply hold back the growth of our nation.
A Better Option
Here is where entrepreneurs – individuals with vision and purpose – can take over the work of government and take away entitlements. They hold the key to to doing what is right for America.
Entrepreneurs can suggest better ways of meeting the needs of all Americans while lowering the high cost of government spending, and lessening or removing these regulations from government.
By turning over entitlement organizations to the public, everyone – including school systems, insurance companies, health-care companies, and much more – will grow and prosper without government or the strangle hold grip of the elite corporations.
When capitalism is at work, jobs are plentiful and American salaries are vastly improve. Only then can donations and true giving to the community help Americas growth.
President Trump Understands This
This model of relying on entrepreneurship instead of government is what President Trump has accomplished and will accomplish.
Far more will be achieved after 2021, the beginning of his second term in office. When the deep state is buried, and when the swamp is drained, we will see lower taxes, and a reduction of government in size and scope.
And all Americans will benefit from this: not just financially, but also morally. True capitalism brings with it a higher degree of American values, like Faith in God and the Bible. This is true America, and true capitalism, at work.