Hello, and Welcome to my Website!

This is an updated version to my website. President Trump was elected after starting my website of June 28, 2011. For this reason, there is a new opening of my website centered around our president.

After the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump became our president. He has led the fight against the corruption of our nation by both parties. Corruption that conservative radio host talk about all of the time. Many have pointed out that America needs to be a conservative nation, yet none have come right out and said that they are for the removal of the democratic party, or have specifically pointed out that they would be for a single party system of government.

America has never had such a strong president in our history that cares for the American people. He wishes to bring America back from the brink of its destruction.

Our president represented the American people by fighting back at the Hypocrisy* of the democratic party, the extreme far-left and mainstream media.

He is the only person in our history that fights back and wants to remove the corruption within our nation. Also to replace and remove the many liberal agendas that are bringing this nation down.

Several outstanding features of our president is that he has moved our nation far forward with his many accomplishments in just his first three years in office. The many achievement that the democrats, far-left and the mainstream media continually ignore.

Another feature of our president is that he hires and looks for only the best individuals. Individuals that have outstanding characters and achievements, that will bring with them the highest standards of values sonf accomplishments for the American people.

President Donald J Trump has accomplished so much for the American people. Yet he is constantly ridiculed, constantly made fun of from the political left and their media.

The is the one true president in our history that will eventually balance the budget, remove corruption, lower taxes while raising middle class Americans income.

He is the one president that watch ware are our taxi money is spent, and will represent the American people. He has forced many nations to pay their fare share for keeping the world safe.


I added the actual definition to make sure that this point is not just a word and is not over looked:

*Hypocrisy: The practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s own behavior does not conform.

Thesaurus: Dissimulation, false virtue, posturing, affectation, speciousness, empty talk, insincerity, falseness, deceit, dishonesty, mendacity, pretense, duplicity; sanctimoniousness, sanctimony, pietism, piousness. ANTONYMS sincerity.