Keeping President Trump in Office: The Countdown to January 20th

Keeping President Trump in Office

Updated: January 13th, 2021

As we approach January 20th, I become more and more concerned. What happens if president Trump leaves office and then it is discovered that election fraud did run rampant? How then do we get our president back into office? How does one get the genie back into the bottle?

I am so disappointed with our own Republicans; the RINO’s that never stood up for our president. Because of them, we may never know the great things that he would do in office over the next four years.


Election day was over a month ago. And just over one month from now, there will be an inauguration ceremony for the President who will serve the next four years. But which President will that be? How can we ensure that President Trump remains in his role through 2024?


The Past 30+ Days


As I established in my previous posts, I do not believe the American people were heard in this election. To say it bluntly, I believe that the American voters re-elected Donald Trump. If all votes were counted, and no fraud had occurred, we would be looking at another four years of our current President.

And even with those truths out in the open, Democrat’s and RINO’s have been holding out, forcing our president to leave office. The overwhelming amount of election fraud is happening out in the open for all to see. But the extreme left — especially the media — continue hating our president. They want our President to lose. They’re doing everything in their power to get him out.


The Next 30+ Days


The Democrats (supported by their left, global, media news outlets, and high-tech) have been working to steal the Presidency since election day. See this YouTube video: “Watch Republican Senator SHOUT at Twitter, Google, Facebook CEOs”.


President Trump must bring out the truth about election fraud before January 20, 2021 or he must surrender his presidency. Whether we like it or not, that’s the way the law is written.

It’s not that I don’t believe that there will be enough time for President Trump’s lawyer, Mayor Rudi Giuliani, or Attorney Sidney Powell to reverse the decision for President Trump. The question is whether or not they can sway the liberal side of government to do the right thing. Can we all agree to allow the truth to be found out in time? The clock is ticking.

Neither side is going down without a fight. The Democrats know that if President Trump stays in office, all of their sins will lead to lawsuits and jumpsuits. That’s why they’re fighting so hard to keep the truth covered up.


The Next 4 Years


Here’s why these next 30+ days are so important. Because if President Trump isn’t able to uncover the truth, Joe Biden gets inaugurated.
And then …


  • high-tech industries will keep their monopolies
  • the open borders will lead to increases in drug usage, prostitution trafficking, rape, murder and more
  • our new form of government will have the ability to make the laws for all their misguided deeds.

Heck, our nation will merge with all the above groups mentioned into a new world order. In fact, we will be a world without order, without the stability to ever again correct itself.


So What Do We Do?


I am confident that President Trump will win; but only if he does not surrender. He must stay his ground. He must point out to the leaders of our nation that he will leave, but only when all the avenues for looking into voter fraud have been exhausted.

Let our President do his conservative duty for the American people that have elected him. If and when the so-called President Elect complains, let President Trump give Sleepy Joe a home in the White House basement until all is resolved.

The future of America is at stake.