Personally, I have never wanted to give or list facts: there are many websites that do just that. However, I have included a small group of websites, books, and movies for the American people to check out and see for themselves—meaning, to see what this nation will become if our Congress is not stopped. These websites give details that will improve our nation, plus facts that are being ignored by our Congress. Both sides, Republican and Democrat, play the game of political monopoly with our laws, our tax dollars, and our freedom. America must vote for a single conservative party dedicated to the people.
The Daily Bail
“National Debt & Deficit Portal. Bailout News. Federal Reserve Fraud & Corruption. Wall Street & Washington Corruption.”
On The Issues
“At Issues, you can see the views of every candidate on every issue. Tired of media reports of fundraising & poll results instead of policy issues?”
Wall Builders
“Presenting America’s forgotten history & heroes with an emphasis on our moral, religious & constitutional heritage. Wall Builders offers a comprehensive collection of historical documents, books, videos, CDs & other products.”
The Heritage Foundation
“Conservative Policy Research & Analysis. The Heritage Foundation’s plan to fix the debt, cut spending and, above all, restore prosperity.”
“This website is informative and connects with the issues and problems concerning our government. This is a family-friendly site updated frequently, with no frames, no banner ads, no shopping carts, no cookies, and no paid advertising on any page.”
Government Waste on Parade
I especially recommend Pork Barrel Politics: “This page deals with money set aside for political purposes, for a small and specific part of the country, to benefit only a few people at everyone else’s expense. Another page, called Money Down the Drain, deals with cases where tax dollars have been wasted through government inefficiency and recklessness at the national level.”
Public Program Testing Organization
“PPTO is an all-volunteer, tax-exempt organization dedicated to evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of governmental programs and not-for-profit entities. Our initial focus was directed towards an evaluation of the United States Social Security system, and proposals for reform of that system. Several items related to Social Security can be found on this page and on the Social Security page. Other issues explored on our website include Medicare, income taxes, and financial regulation. The PPTO’s findings are communicated via radio show presentations, newspaper commentaries, direct communications with governmental agencies and congressional leaders, and via this website.”
“Breaking News, Politics, Commentary… one of the nation’s leading independent news sites focusing on breaking news, politics, finance, personal health, technology and entertainment …”
Citizens Against Government Waste
“A private, non-partisan, non-profit organization representing more that one million members and supporters to eliminate waste,…”
ABBA: Americans for a Balanced Budget
“We believe that passage of a balanced budget amendment will be one of the greatest, most meaningful achievements of our generation.”
Inside Congress
“The Shocking Scandals, Corruption, and Abuse of Power Behind the Scenes on Capitol Hill” by Ronald Kessler (Aug. 1, 1998)
The Great American Tax Dodge
“How Spiraling Fraud and Avoidance Are Killing Fairness, Destroying the Income Tax, and Costing You”
by Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele (Sept. 2, 2002)
Perfectly Legal
“The Covert Campaign to Rig Our Tax System to Benefit the Super Rich—and Cheat Everybody Else”
by David Cay Johnston (Jan. 4, 2005)
Agenda: Grinding America Down—Christian movie review
“Is the most powerful exposé of the communist, socialist, progressive attempt to take over America produced so far. The documentary presents the connections between the different communist, socialist, progressive organizations with great clarity and shows how they have implemented their agenda to dismantle American patriotism, morality and spirituality.”
America: Freedom to Fascism – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“America: Freedom to Fascism is a 2006 film by Aaron Russo, which alleges among a variety of claims that income tax is illegal. The documentary covers many subjects, including: the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the income tax, Federal Reserve System, national ID cards (REAL ID Act), human-implanted RFID tags (Spychips), Diebold electronic voting machines, globalization, Big Brother, taser weapons abuse, and the alleged use of terrorism by government as a means to diminish the citizens’ rights.”
Mad as Hell
“Aaron Russo’s movie Mad As Hell – It’s time to stop complaining about our politicians. If you’re tired of the government and the way it’s behaving, join Aaron Russo in his “Mad As Hell” crusade to restore the Constitution to its proper role as the law of the land.”
YouTube – Reflections And Warnings – An Interview With Aaron Russo …
“Jun 1, 2009. Throughout the film, Alex Jones breaks down the latest activities of the New World Order and how it ties into what Russo predicted. Aaron …”
Watch more videos and movies from Aaron Russo on You Tube: