The Nature of a Conservative

The Conservative is one that believes in religious and moral values. This nation was founded on religious and moral values for the equality of all individuals.* So why is it that whenever I read the newspapers, they have to mention the word “disruptive” in front of Conservative, Tea Party, or Republican? Go to any newspaper right now and read several political articles. Whenever they refer to these individuals, or movements, the press has to use derogatory wording in their articles. Heck! Joe Biden said, “They have acted like terrorists.” (See This statement coming from the Vice President of the United States is total thoughtlessness of what Conservative truly represents.**

This article emphasizes to all true Conservatives that, as election time moves closer and closer, there will be more talk of Conservative violence. DO NOT take part in any of this or add to it—we are primarily a nation of religious people with strong moral values. Believe with all of your heart and soul that this is true, and never add bad language or violence to our cause. This is what the other side is looking for and wants—not all liberals, but some individuals who feel that by disrupting the voting system that they will help the Democratic side to win.

Our new Conservative party must stand together based on the faith that America is a nation under God. United under God, America will stand stronger than any nation on this earth because America believes in freedom and democracy for all.

All of America must come together at the polling booths. More than 80 percent of Americans voting for the issues on conservatism will move this nation forward. This is a plea to all of America to vote as a whole group to make our nation strong. America cannot afford a half-and-half government, Republican and Democrat—this is what is pulling America downward/apart. Americans have always voted for the candidate to represent the people. When, in fact, it should be, or must be, the issues that represent the candidate. For this to work, Americans must contact their representatives and the candidates to tell them and let them know what the American people want.

The nature of a true Conservative is one that believes in smaller government. Two parties cannot achieve this. The liberal party wants to direct the affairs of America with increasingly more government programs. Conservatism cannot work well because of this major liberal view, and now our nation is broke because of this.

The Conservative wants to work for the people with directional procedures and advice rather than starting government programs. The people must decide at the polling booths that this is right. Man must live his life and not be supported by government. One way that this can be achieved is to bring government spending down in size. When this is done, far more money is given back to the people.

When the “thin layer” between government and business is removed,*** there will be a tremendous amount of money to be given back to the American people, the individual. Keep in mind, however, that a small part of this money must go to the individual’s privatized programs. Out of these funds, the individual must buy his/her own health insurance and retirement plan. Employers can still offer these, yet they should also be added to an individual’s health and retirement plan. This is the money from reducing the size of government and adding those taxes to the working people’s paychecks. When the progressive tax system ends for the flat tax, even more money will be given back to the individual.

When entitlements end, and businesses grow because the economy is growing, then the salaries of the employed will increase. This further improves the nation’s wealth. Keep in mind, no one has to lose his or her job, or retirement benefits, if most of government is privatized. Businesses will flourish, and the growth of the economy will be staggering.


* See blog article “The Republic.”

** See book, The Unauthorized Conservative’s Handbook, page 26, “The Conservative Party Initiative.”

*** See blog article “Part One: Remove the Thin Layer (Entitlements) & Watch the Chain Reaction.”