Ronald Reagan came the closest of any president in history at moving our nation to conservative values. What happened—why then is America not a conservative nation?
When President Reagan left office, politicians* and the two-party system happened: backstabbing, bickering, and jealousy have happened! Why? Because there was no strong center of government like there was under President Reagan.
President Obama’s government is increasingly scattered into hundreds of programs, entitlements, that it cannot keep pace with the cost. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, USPS, and many, many more are losing money because they do not produce anything but continually are being backed up by the American taxpayer.
The stimulus programs have failed and government would have the people believe they were a success. Expenses have risen to the point that even the taxpayer cannot sustain the high cost of government. The highest of the rich taxpayers will not be enough to pay for government’s spending, or the loans government has sustained, due to the fact that the taxpayer cannot give as fast as government is spending.
The taxpayers’ funds are drying up, and America needs drastic ways to become prosperous once again. The present Obama administration has not listened or even tried to repair what it has done to the people and, over time, many of these programs will only exasperate our nation’s problems further. [Do not be deceived by this administration. This administration is only looking at expanding government for votes. This administration uses rules and regulations only to get votes.]
America needs to return to the smallest government in history. We need to grow back the power and might of a strong military. America needs a unified government that is conservative, bringing with it values and morals for a prosperous society.
All of this can be done by having conservative officials stop growing and expanding government—in essence, a government official that does nothing. Think about this, all government really needs is to let businesses grow and prosper, and everything else will take care of itself. Government has so many rules and regulations for the people that businesses have stopped growing. Government needs to get out of the way.
The government’s main job should be to watch our borders, and stop terrorism around the world. Our government needs to protect our citizens from terrorism, drugs, and crimes against our society. When America says there is a war on drugs, then by all means there should be a full-out war on drugs. Our government does not protect our borders enough to keep America safe now.
The next elected president must move to protect our borders. Our military should be on our borders to keep all aliens out, not even one alien should cross our borders, and drugs should never move across our borders ever again. Doing this will strengthen our nation.
* See Politician: Oxford Dictionary definition:
• a person who is professionally involved in politics, especially as a holder of an elected office: a veteran communist politician
• a local politician
• chiefly US a person who acts in a manipulative and devious way, typically to gain advancement within an organization.