The Flat Tax

I am a proponent of the flat tax*: it is not only simple, but also it brings back equality for all Americans. It utilizes the simplest of tax forms. What I like about it is the fact that it replaces the old worn-out progressive tax—the progressive tax that over the years since its inception has been injected with far too many steroids. The progressive tax started out being normal; there were never any problems until an extremely large government infected it. So much so, that cancer has set in. This cancer needs to be cut out and replaced with a flat tax and then watched over time, so that it too never becomes infected.

The progressive tax, and other government programs, is becoming an excrescence. This disease or abnormality with its distinct cancerous outgrowth must be removed for Congress to become more responsible for the American people. How? By eliminating public programs, entitlements, massive tax loopholes, rules and regulations, and then the ineptness of Congress will stop.

Government needs to get out of the way for individuals’ growth. The progressive tax and many programs are taking away the equality that was in place by our forefathers through a republic** for the American people.

America must have a new beginning and not be faced with a half-and-half tax system. For the flat tax to work, America must give its voice to those candidates that are fully in favor of it.


* Please visit The Heritage Foundation website for these two very important articles by Daniel Mitchell, Ph.D., titled “A Brief Guide to the Flat Tax,” July 7, 2005. Also, “Flat Tax is the Way of the Future,” March 20, 2006. In addition, look up other articles concerning the flat tax for America’s future.

** Republic: Oxford Dictionary definition “Republic, a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.” Also visit my blog article ”The Republic.”