The following is a letter I sent back to the National Republican Congressional Committee. They asked for my views on a, “2012 Republican Proxy Ballot.” I added the article, “True Capitalism At Work”, which follows.
August 8, 2012 — Wednesday
To: National Republican Congressional Committee 320 First Street, SE Washington, DC 20003
Dear Sir or Madam,
On June 8, 2012, Friday, I sent back the 40-questionnaire “Ask America Survey”. (Registered Survey #: 12-2 AA1541 / P12E3). I thought the NRCC would send me back the results of that survey, but as of this date, I have received nothing on those results.
On Monday, August 6, I received your letter; I am enclosing a copy with the 2012 Proxy Ballot, with my own comments, and an article titled “True Capitalism At Work.”
In the letter, you write about the 2012 Republican Proxy Ballot as being important and that the House Republican members and candidates need to hear about concerns and priorities.
I am a working individual with my outgo just about matching my income. I am sending a small check, once again, because I would like to see our great nation grow and prosper. Under the present administration, our nation has fallen by the wayside. Now to say something that you may not like to hear: in the near future, I see President Romney not going far enough to bring or maintain growth to pay down our nation’s debt fast enough. I see him moving our nation forward, but I do not see him removing many socialistic concepts that have made their way into government.
Also, I just read in Newsmax that “Even as Chick-fil-A sets sales records thanks to supporters of traditional marriage flooding into stores to support its Christian values, one conservative politician is having nothing to do with the controversy. And he’s the one running for president.” Sometimes I wonder about our next president …. ????????
Question 3. What should our first order of business be in the next Congress?
Even though I am for Mr. Mitt Romney, and I strongly believe he will be our next president, as president, he will move our nation forward because his main policy is based on returning Americans back to the workforce. He will, in question 3. Shut down the job-crushing red tape factory in Washington, DC, to do so. He will then open the Keystone pipeline and drilling in the Gulf; he will open up the production of coal, and will lower the cost of taxes to spur on more growth than ever before.
This in itself will start a chain reaction to move our nation forward quickly and much more efficiently. However, in question 3. Fix the broken tax code, I do not see him making major changes to the tax structure. He is not going to implement change for a flat tax, only restructuring of an old tired-out progressive tax. Filled with tax loopholes, this system will still employ lobbyist to keep their corporations’ rules and regulations for lower taxes, and profitable back-door deals. This closes the doors to many small businesses.
As for question 3. Cut spending and get government out of the way of small businesses, I have looked on Mitt Romney’s website for moving small businesses forward, but I cannot help to think that this will not be enough until entitlements are moved out of government’s grasp. Entitlements themselves keep small businesses from growing, and entitlements do not allow for competition. Ending entitlements alone adds for growth and lessens the amount of taxpayers’ monies. This would spear on even further growth and far less government.
I am a strong proposer of moving the majority of entitlements and programs to the private sector. The list of programs is both complicated and endless—from Agriculture to Welfare, and all of the ones between—Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, etc. and more—removal of the Obama phones, and putting the US Post Office in private hands.
As for question number 3. Other: I am for all of the above, and anything that would help our nation. Canada stopped making their penny; maybe it’s time for America to do the same. Heck, why not remove money all together for debit cards?
Question 1. Should House Republicans continue standing up against President Obama’s efforts to Implement new taxes on small businesses, jobs-destroying regulations and new “stimulus” spending? Yes. This question puzzles me: does this mean that you actually would get some individual filling out this Proxy Ballot (Conservative Republican) that would say No or Unsure? I don’t see anyone saying no or unsure.
Question 2. Should conservative House candidates campaign on an aggressive platform to help private sector job creators put America back on a path to prosperity? Yes. See comment to question number 1.
Question 4. Will you do your part to elect a larger more conservative House GOP majority by sending an urgent contribution to the NRCC today? Yes.
In conclusion:
Mr. Romney must state clearly in his speeches that it is not he alone that will move our nation forward. He must have the support of all Americans everywhere to vote for conservative values, a conservative ticket—to vote across the board for true conservative Republican candidates. Only a full across-the-board House and Senate will move our nation forward based on the values of our great Founding Fathers. America needs the support of all to hasten the demise of a president that is pushing for European socialism. European socialism is failing; one only has to look at the nations with huge debt. If America does not stop this present administration, America will be the next Europe.
Remember, America is a republic founded on principles for the people.
Sincerely, Brad Panvino
Just started reading your blog a few days ago; and I’m loving your newest series. Looking forward to the next installments.