It was never the government’s job to take care of all Americans. This should be left up to the private sector—from family and friends, church groups, to private individuals, private groups, and private organizations.
Here is where entrepreneurs with vision and purpose are needed to take over the work of government entitlements to do what is right for America. Here is where private-sector entrepreneurs can suggest better ways of accomplishing the needs for all of America while lowering the high cost of government spending. Entrepreneurs are needed to suggest better ways of doing things and telling Congress how and why to turn over entitlement organizations to the private sector. These men and women already exist in the private sectors of school systems, insurance companies, health-care companies, and more—men and women with vision and purpose to do what is right. This is true capitalism at work.
Moving government entitlement organizations from the public sector lowers the cost to all Americans. This plan lowers taxes, and reduces government down in size and scope.
This move also eliminates the middleman between government and the entitlement programs. This area is seen as “the thin layer*,” still another small group between government and entitlements that also adds to the cost of the American taxpayer. This group does research and uses complicated systems to tell entitlement groups how to run, regulate, and propose procedures, adding to the cost of any entitlement program.
Having entrepreneurs with vision that can show Congress better ways of implementing free enterprise into the private sector will reduce government spending—giving free enterprise a chance to prove itself to the world. This is the change America needs to take back our Republic** from the socialist system that is putting a burden on the American economy.
The private sector already has its own regulating body, as seen in our legal system—a task force that would look into the affairs of organizations—to look for all manner of crime and corruption in government, in businesses, and those private entities that would take over entitlements. Any crime or corruption that is found would be turned over to the legal system of government for prosecution. This, too, is capitalism at work.
This process allows government to maintain what it was meant to accomplish; To protect America’s interest here and abroad. To maintain a strong and capable military force that would watch our borders and stand by our allies. To put an end to terrorism and its threats to our nation and allies.
At the next political election in less than four months, it will be up to the American people to make the final decisions—not corporations, unions, special-interest groups, foreign governments, politicians, or a president. When the American people go to the polls to vote, this vote must be so overwhelming that nothing can deny the voice of the people.
* Go to blog “Part One: Remove the Thin Layer (Entitlements) & Watch the Chain Reaction”
** Go to Blog “The Republic”
I cannot thank you enough for the blog article.Thanks Again. Keep writing