This Presidential Election, keep in mind the following articles when you go and vote. Several of these small articles point out what our next president needs to do to pay down/off our nation’s debt. Each article, when combined, should fit together to form why it is that, as Americans, we need to make changes or remove entitlement programs.
1. Our Forefathers’ Government
2. Put an End to Entitlements
3. Minority Programs
4. Welfare’s Unemployed
5. Our Nation’s Leaders Fail to Listen to the People
6. Key to Unlocking Principles
7. President vs. Republic
8. Negative Views
1. Our Forefathers’ Government:
Our forefathers based our government on a premise that leads to a principle that leads to a system of government for America to follow.
Our nation was started on this key premise: that biblical order represented by the majority of the people will lead our nation to right living. Biblical law is right living: it is proper living that shows goodness and kindness to everyone–equally. (See my article Equality.) Biblical law aids man to have a better life. (See my book on Common Ground: The Living Principles.)
This elementary truth of biblical law forms our government’s republic. (See my article The Republic.) This leads man to a freer form of our government; however, liberalism has let in far too many programs that take away man’s ability to function. Government assumed that it was making right choices, without asking the people; thus, government ignores the majority, through gradually adding socialistic changes by taking the people’s taxes and giving it to the less needy. This has mushroomed out of proportion in our nation, and capitalism has been left by the side of the road, leaving socialism’s negative views to move forward.
Capitalism is both an economic and political system that should be controlled by private owners, rather than by the state or federal government. Pure capitalism lets man decide for himself the path he should take, and this should be based on biblical principles that lead man’s life and never should it be the government. (Go to True Capitalism At Work.)
America has based its governmental structure on biblical law held by the majority of the people in colonial times. This was further structured into a republic for and by the people. American citizens must understand that our forefathers’ government believed in a republic, a system of government for the people and by the people. America was formed on the premise that this nation should/must be based on the majority of the people. Benjamin Franklin once said, “We have given you a Constitutional Republic… Let’s see if you can keep it.”
America has a responsibility, as a majority, to form this nation’s laws and procedures. America was formed on this premise, that religions of colonial times were Christian in nature and that the biblical Scriptures must be the cause for a society’s rules based upon Commandments and Scripture for the welfare of a strong nation.
Here is the crux of our society’s problem: when Christianity and radical Islam collide, contradictory styles prove devastating. This is what makes America so great and radical Islamic religion so dangerous. Islamic radicals take everything as the word passed down from God. To murder a young girl for adultery goes against America’s faith. These are conflicting ideologies that will never change. God cannot be for the good of Christian living and good for radical Islam. Both views contradict what principles of God represent. (See the website The Catholic Church and Abortion :: Catholic News Agency, also <American Legion Mission City Post 564: SPECIAL ITEMS>. Read “I’m 70 and I’m tired” by Robert A. Hall, a Marine Vietnam veteran.)
Let me state right now that I said radical Islam. In today’s society, Islam is a religion of peace, just as Christianity is a religion of peace. America was formed on having many differing views. America is a nation of peace for all other nations. Only in America can one practice his/her religion without condemnation. This is what makes America so great. It is only radical religions that put a wedge between peaceful and caring religions.
One more point, any radical faith from any religion is not and cannot be considered a true religion. So-called radicalism go against ideologies of all religions for peace. Of note, this is why a radical individual must not be tried in our court system; they do not believe with our ideology. This is why radical prisoners must be tried in a military court of law.
2. Put an End to Entitlements:
Eventually moving entitlements to the private sector will reduce the government down in size and scope, bringing with it more opportunity and freedom at bettering government’s workings. No entitlements at the government level will move Congress and the President to perform its duties more diligently and with better outcomes. Order is both restored and made more efficient.
Public entitlements have the ability to be a monopoly; keeping other businesses from entering the market only raises the cost. The more private businesses that are opened up, the more a cost reduction becomes possible. By moving public entitlements to the private sector, more individuals will have more money in their pockets because government will not have to collect funds from taxpayers.
As the economy grows so will the salaries of individuals across the nation. This is money that can go directly to an individual’s account to be used to purchase one’s own health care, food, phone, home, and anything that entitlements would be doing.
By ending entitlements, America will have a better grasp on managing their nation’s future. Add to this a Balanced Budget, and our national debt of over 16-trillion dollars will dwindle down to nothing very quickly.
Also, government entitlements push for higher wages and benefits. The private sector will reduce costs and better performances since they will be keeping better records and procedures. Government does not keep records, and their cost can be staggering within the thin layer. (See my article Part One: Remove the Thin Layer (Entitlements) & Watch the Chain Reaction, and Part Two: Entitlement Wows.)
Under the present administration, Congress and the President are ignoring the main principle of our republic. The republic was formed when our Founding Fathers acknowledged that it is the people, as a majority, that rule our nation. This principle was formed to go against English rule, or rather the king dictates as the ruler over the people of England. Our history has moved to a republic because it better supports capitalism–because it works. (See my article True Capitalism At Work.)
3. Minority Programs:
Minority rules and agendas are negative concepts that are breaking down our nation. The minority goes against biblical laws. People and religions have gotten it wrong when they look to Jesus–and man should help his fellow man. Yes, man should help his fellow man; however, it should not be the government to help his fellow man. It is true that Jesus wants us to teach man to fish, not to give his fellow man fish after fish, thus making the minority of man dependent upon others for their well-being.
This present administration is supplying the unfortunate man with gifts far and away more beneficial, and away from the majority of man. Man, the majority, cannot sustain this continued debt. Our debt has gone over 16-trillion dollars, and no amount of giving from the rich will ever pay this entitlement debt down. It is the minority that expects the majority to pay for their food, health care, housing, and more. Minorities are given free phones, free food, free health care. The list is endless, but the cost is not.
Here are four points that show negative views hampering our nation’s future:
1. Liberal agendas do nothing to help our nation. They exist for the minority and bring about negative views on living.
2. Negative examples have a cascading effect from man’s physical well-being, to his economy, to his effects on marriage and effects on our nation, and to his spiritual well-being.
3. Christianity and radical Islam have contradictory ideologies.
4. Negative views tear down positive principles.
Once our new president is in office, it will be up to the people to remind him that our nation is a republic. This is important because it tells our president that he must listen and base his views around the majority. It is the majority of Americans that will move our nation forward, not the minority and their agendas.
4. Welfare’s Unemployed:
I am using the unemployed welfare organization as the main example to eliminating other entitlement programs. Don’t let government say that this cannot be done–it can be.
Everything about entitlements can move into the private sector for businesses to grow and prosper, while government does its main function of protecting our nation.
Unemployed workers should have assistance, but this should be covered by businesses and insurance companies helping the unemployed, not government. Government takes the money from those who are being taxed; whereas businesses and insurance companies can offer to those out of work a better program. Note this: however, this program will take time to work out, especially with the American economy in so dire a need of repair. Our unemployment rate is over 8%, so it might not be possible to have insurance companies and businesses offer a program until the unemployment rate falls below less than half.
The point I wish to make is that over time all of the entitlement programs would go directly back to the people’s control through businesses, insurance companies, Wall Street, health-care institutions, hospitals, school-board systems, etc.
Entitlement programs have two unique qualities. Under government’s control, they were set up by the thin layer. (See my article Part One: Remove the Thin Layer (Entitlements) & Watch the Chain Reaction.) Therefore, their structure and all of their conditioning is already in place. There is not much to do or look at. The major cost overrides have already been done; the structure is in place for any private sector organization to take over. The second feature is that as the entitlement programs are transferred into the private sectors, the thin layer is removed. This benefits the structure and helps to remove the thin layer’s cost. In other words, the cost to the American taxpayer is put in the private organizations’ hands, where the cost to the individual can be reduced or eliminated.
Entitlements need to be put into the hands of entrepreneurs in private businesses—someone with vision and foresight to accomplish this for the people of the United States and remove it from the hands of government. (See my article True Capitalism At Work.)
The point I wish to make is that entitlement programs should not be in the government’s control. It is the government that is taking the money from those that are working in the form of taxes to pay those that are out of work. With this type of system, no one that is out of work will ever find work, as long as they are on the welfare system.
5. Our Nation’s Leaders Fail to Listen to the People:
Congress and the President in a liberal democracy will take the place of the individual. Government is heading down a path that will tell the people what laws are needed. Government will choose man’s fate. This is dangerous to the individual, and will take man’s equality away from him. (See my article Equality.)
Through ending entitlements, there is a better way in which our nation can travel toward prosperity––true capitalism. Ending entitlements stops the hold of large government upon the American people. (View my blog article True Capitalism At Work.)
This move alone brings with it the end of taxpayers’ monies going to prop up worn-out systems—systems that take more money away from what a government should represent. Our nation is a REPUBLIC, one that must adhere to the voice of the people. Our nation’s leaders fail time and time again to listen to the majority of the people. As for the minority, this is a ploy to bring about votes that will change this nation into the Europeans’ socialism that has proven fatal to those socialistic nations. This is a road our Democrats are heading down—the exact same system that is strangling certain European nations.
The majority of entitlements have never been about helping the minority. Entitlements are time and time again ploys to get large businesses and corporations funding, also to shore up votes for candidates. Another factor is that the minority is going against biblical laws: gays want more rights and marriage to bring about equality; abortion is made legal; and people are given money that is being taken away from the taxpayers for every entitlement–welfare and many programs for people not helping themselves.
Our government has always had a surplus of taxpayers’ monies, until now. It was only because of this surplus that entitlement programs were used to gather votes and give the politicians in office raises for themselves and their staff. Times have changed; the economy has been in dire need of repair; yet the politician still holds on to the idea of entitlements for the people.
6. Key to Unlocking Principles: It is individuals that promote society, not government:
We are a Christian nation, based on the respect for life. There is something beautiful in this statement for life. (Visit the website <The Catholic Church and Abortion :: Catholic News Agency>.) Radical Islam, on the other hand, ignores life when they kill a mother with a child in her womb before marriage or having adultery. The flipside of this statement is that one never hears of an Islamic man being put to death for committing infidelity. Everyone reading this must see <American Legion Mission City Post 564: SPECIAL ITEMS>. Read “I’m 70 and I’m tired” by Robert A. Hall, a Marine Vietnam veteran. Islamic laws have no respect for a woman’s rights; women are treated as a commodity and not as a partner with their husbands.
In my book Common Ground: The Living Principles, I wrote about pure principles. The following points out what makes up man’s principles.
Principles are based on comprehensive and fundamental rules, doctrines, or assumptions for living life, and law refers to all of the principles governing conduct, actions, or procedures of living.
More simply put: law represents the many ‘pure living principles’ working together for the common good of all the other principles. People tend to think of law as one of the principles to live by; law cannot be any of the principles. There are not several laws, but only one Law, one God. Therefore, Law/God is not a hypocrite; God is not saying one thing while doing another, or principles would go against false or alleged principles.
In regard to abortion, you simply cannot have a principle of life and one for death. This is one principle going against another supposed principle.
Note closely this next point: principles are tremendous in their abilities to aid, assist with man’s soul, his being with God. This brings great joy and ability to/of man’s accomplishments. However, when government takes over the spending with its entitlement programs, then government is taking away the ability of man to grow spiritually and to make accomplishments both physically and mentally. These are skills that would make for man’s ability to grow in our society.
As law, you ultimately realize that you must help others in order to further your own self-being. Deny another and you deny yourself of all the possibilities within the world. When one realizes that law is the working of all the principles together, then one must realize that Law must be individuals working together. It is individuals that promote society, not government.
Take one negative concept and try to add it to principles, and it just does not work; Law/God is taking a stand for all of the principles of man.
7. President vs. Republic:
If America is truly a republic, then why is Obama continually going against this most basic fundamental principle of our government? Our Founding Fathers based our nation upon a republic for the people, by the people. (See my article The Republic.)
This key principle of a republic is a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch. The key point of a republic being supreme power by the people.
Our President and Congress are constantly going against the majority of the people to assist in most cases with the minority. Government continually ignores this basic fact, that it is the majority of our nation that leads government, not government for the people–but the people for government.
Our Founding Fathers believed that the majority would lead based upon biblical order of living. At that beginning of time in our history, biblical order was the rule of law. As time went on, changes became more apparent, that the majority of the people were not being listened to.
Biblical laws look to positive examples for man’s living, whereas the minority is formed around negative views. These negative views can be seen in abortion’s “Roe vs. Wade,” health care, gay rights on marriage, and more negative examples moving into government.
It is the minority that continually pushes and wears down government to get their liberal views accepted through government. This is not through the majority of the people, but the minority wanting their negative agendas accepted by the majority. This is wrong because this breaks down our nation’s society–it breaks down positive principles for negative examples of living.
America’s new president, his main characteristic, will be to listen to the majority of the people. When this happens, he will not be listening to lobbyists who take their orders from large companies and corporations to make rules and regulations for their business practices.
The new Republican administration must listen to the people. The new candidate must look into corruption within government and businesses. This way, the new President and Congress are assuring the American people that changes will be made to improve our economy for the future of all of America. (Read the book Inside Congress: The Shocking Scandals, Corruption, and Abuse of … See also my book The Unauthorized Conservatives Handbook.)
8. Negative Views:
In my book Common Ground: The Living Principles, chapter two, I write about the “Chain of Events.” Everyone forms a chain from one event to another. This chain can be either negative effects or positive principles. However, everyone’s chains should be formed around positive principles. Negative events only lead to more chains that are negative. Just as individuals form chains, so does the working of government.
With abortions, health care, and gay rights promoting negative agendas into society, negative chains are formed that will take time to correct. However, it is our nation’s leaders that need to listen to the majority of the people. The President and Congress need to view positive principles for living, and return to a smaller government. This is why our nation was formed around a republic, to keep such negative chains from forming. It is only found with the majority of the people–that positive principles of living will direct the lives of individuals for our nation.
America’s form of government as a republic for the majority of the people is the most astonishing accomplishment the world has ever known. Once America adheres to her true past, her destiny forward will be an example to the world for peace and prosperity.