Exploring the Potential of a One-Party Platform: The Republican Conservative Party

Spelling Lesson or Pest Extermination?

The last four letters in American……….I Can

The last four letters in Republican……..I Can

The last four letters in Democrats………Rats

End of lesson. Test to follow in November, 2018

Remember, November is to be set aside as pest extermination month.

It has been said that the American people need a two-party system of government so that one can watch over the other. For a while, I tried wrapping my mind around the idea of two or more parties. But I quickly realized something: that thinking is wrong.

It is not the parties that keep each other in check. It is the American people themselves that are the true watchers over our nation’s government. Two or more party lines have never worked together.

Thankfully, within the conservative movement alone, I feel confident that having a single party system of government will become the modern norm.

Conservative values are the reason our nation has grown so fast and has gone so far. When liberals were in charge, political corruption crept in. It was secretly growing within government, like an infestation. Politicians were favoring the few (the wealthy for their support) without regards for the many. This corruption continues to take more of middle American’s money and redirect it to corporations and politicians’ own interests.

Liberalism and socialism are still the leading causes of the breakdown in conservative values. Thankfully, the American people have come to the rescue. The problem facing democrats today is that the American people are standing together for conservative principles of justice. They are keeping the democrats in check.

Americans are experiencing, for the very first time, a dynamic president; one who is bold enough to stand up to democrats, mainstream-media’s false news and left-wing groups. However, if the American people do not stand with our president or his representatives in the general election, our nation will revert back to the way it was. Now is the time for the American people to gather behind our president.

The primary elections proved this point. With all of the excessive wealth in the Democratic coffers behind them — and their mainstream-media support – the democrats could not beat the American people for their support of conservative principles

The American people can – and will – win this battle. Democrats cannot withstand the pushback against their continued misuse of political power. No party can continue to take and use money from someone else and give it to another. This form may work at first (it’s called pyramiding), but this form within government cannot stand on its own for long. No political party today can keep taking from Peter’s conservative followers to pay for Paul’s many liberal services without causing Peter or Paul’s government to finally collapse.

This is why democrats will continue to fail. Government programs have relied on the pyramid scheme. What eventually happens is that the money runs out. America’s national debt is estimated to be $21.5 trillion. Add to this the corruption in our government, and the flaws of our nation are visible for all to see. The American people understand this and understand that no amount of democratic money or mainstream media bias will change their minds.

Our nation’s government is riddled with political mishaps, red tape, and corruption. Left wing groups that only want turmoil, neither offering realistic goals for improvement of our nation.

Polling booths need to be filled this November with Republican conservatism. The opposing party and mainstream-media needs to learn that their effort was for naught. While ten to twenty-five percent of Americans will always vote democrat, seventy five percent of America can come out and represent conservative party values. Their votes will lead to a strong nation.

There will always be Americans who see that the conservative party is winning at the polls, and feel they don’t need to vote. But they could be wrong.

It is not enough for Republicans to win by a slight margin. America needs an overwhelming majority. If this happens, conservative Americans will be sending a clear message to democrats, mainstream-media and left-wing groups: this nation belongs to the American people and we are taking it back. We can be a successful one-party system.