How You and I Can Fund the Wall

I recently discovered a gem on It’s called We The People Will Fund The Wall.

As you have probably gathered, this is a brilliant idea that allows the American public to donate to this important cause. The campaign was created on December 16, 2018. As of January 1st, 2019, it has generated over 305,000 signatures and 18 million dollars.

Every conservative radio, TV station — and even the Trump Administration itself — should be talking about this campaign every day and encouraging people to spread the word. I admit that I am annoyed (and slightly angry) over the fact that these past weeks I have not heard any mention of the online funding for the wall from conservative talk radio shows. Indeed, not getting this campaign out to the American people shows little concern or interest for this most advantageous project.

This program shows support by Americans for Americans. Not advertising this campaign’s information daily shows little importance or concern for such an advantageous project by conservative radio hosts.

Democrats are destroying the United States. They care more for the illegals crossing our borders than they do for our Presidents’ care for the American people. Let us never forget president Trump nor his conservative Congress’ efforts and votes to build the wall and support it with drones, satellites, ground surveillance and any other technology. The Democrats are trying to block those important initiatives from coming to fruition.

But if this campaign is successful, we can get around the Democrats in Washington. We stop the illegal aliens, drugs, and crimes from entering our country through our own efforts. We can protect America’s safety and America’s future. Most importantly, this campaign on GoFundMe has put the power back in the hands of ordinary Americans. Finally, we can each have a hand in making our country safe again.

I myself gave $100.00 to fund the wall for our nation. You should do the same. And spread the word.