There’s no disputing it: the heart of traditional American values is faith in God. And yet, so many liberals are working to strip America of every reference to God and faith. Here’s why they’re doing it and why we need to stop them.
The History of America and God
Part of what makes America great is freedom of religion. Note that I didn’t say freedom “from” religion. Everyone has the right to worship whichever God they choose. That’s an American value.
This is the fabric of America’s identity; the fact that on a street corner, one may find a Christian Church across from a Jewish Synagogue, or an Islam Mosque or a Buddhist Temple. Only in America can one find and practice one’s faith without prejudice or malice. This is what makes America America. This is why the people of many nations came to America; so they can practice their own religious freedom without persecution.
It is the Christian Religion — with its basis in Jesus Christ — that is and always will be at the heart of America’s traditional values for our nation. Freedom of religion is a direct result of Judeo-Christian values, which tell us to love and accept all others, regardless of whether they worship the way we do. There are other religions that are far more exclusionary, and many parts of the world that do not offer this type of religious freedom. We should be incredibly grateful of America’s Christian past. That’s the history of America, and what makes America great.
What Happens When America Loses Its Values?
I highly recommend a google article, “What Do They Mean by Traditional Values?” by Dr. Dale A. Robbins. This crucial piece explains the foundation for traditional values: having faith in God, prayer, and the Bible. It also explains that their absence from our society will lead to our nation’s decline.
Just as the Roman Empire fell from within, America very well may fall to liberal and socialistic views that have been creeping into our government for more the past 25 years. If America follows the democratic path, (now Socialist path) this will be the same track of detraction that felled the Roman Empire. (1. Robbins 1990).
Liberals are in the habit of removing God from the Judeo-Christian tradition of America. They’re removing crosses from public property and filing lawsuits claiming that practicing one’s faith openly takes away the rights of other religions. No one has a right to remove God from government. And no one has the right to impose their religion on other individuals or other religions. Once we start doing so, we will lose the values that our nation is based upon. And America will fall.
America is losing its uniqueness, and thus its strength. We have always combined secular government with a society based on religious values and freedom for all. (2. Prager 2004) To put this simply, liberals who replace God with government are tearing at our nation’s heritage.
Christianity vs. Islam
According to a report by the Pew Research Center, (2015 estimate) Christianity has 2.4 billion followers. While Muslims have 1.8 billion worldwide. Islam is the second-largest religion in the world.
Islam has never worshiped holy relics, as Christians do with crosses. They feel it distracts from the outlook of a pure religion. And while most Islamic people understand that Christians don’t believe in the relic of a holy cross (but rather in the symbol the cross represents), others are leading the charge to remove crosses and other religious symbols from our nation. And there are a few Muslims that are willing to take violent action to remove the symbols that upset them. They are terrorists.
Islam is considered a true religion that follows a faith of peace, mercy, and forgiveness. The majority of Muslims around the world have nothing to do with the extremely grave events that have become associated with their religion. (3. Understanding Islam) However, terrorists from that religion wish to impose a one world religion. They are the antithesis of American values. And they are not a religious group because they go against the principles of the religions around the world, including Islam.
When Americans remove a holy cross or relic form our society, they are giving in to Islam. We are allowing our Christian heritage to be taken from us. And if we do so, we will likely never get it back.
Traditional American Values
- 1. Robbins, Dr. Dale A. 1990. “What do They Mean by Traditional Values?”
- What Does ‘Judeo-Christian’ Mean? By Dennis Prager. 2004, Accessed April 23, 2014
- Understanding Islam: Understanding Islam and the Muslims