Why (and How) All Americans Must be Required to Vote


This may sound like a bold statement. But I firmly believe that the future of our country is at stake. It’s only by getting all Americans to vote in the best interest of our nation that we will have the future that our nation’s founders intended. Let me explain.

Benjamin Franklin and our founding fathers chose our nation to be a Republic. It’s not a nation by government for the people, but a nation by the people for government.

This was based on the belief that all mankind is pure of heart. I still believe that. By getting all Americans to vote together – following their hearts – we can keep America pure by pushing out the impurities in our nation.


Voting at the Time of Our Nation’s Founding

At the time of our nation’s founding, it would have been unthinkable for an American not to vote. This never even crossed the minds of our founding fathers because it was never seen as a foreseeable future problem or issue. Our Constitution was made pure, and it was void of any major issues. All Americans would have a voice.

Now, we can’t ignore the fact that, at that time, slaves couldn’t vote. Neither could women. But remember, slavery was never in our Constitution. Thankfully, gradually over time, these issues were resolved. Today, all Americans have voting rights. And they should use them.


The Soiling of Our Purity

It’s human nature to believe that the politician you voted for was right for the American people. But that’s often not so. As time went on, some people who didn’t have the best interest of America at heart won seats in government.

And as many representatives started to take advantage of their positions — to watch out for their own business interests or friends rather than the whole of the American people – many Americans began to get disenchanted with government. Some stopped voting altogether, thinking that all politicians were in it for themselves.

One bad man, then another, was gradually let into government. This could lead to the demise of our nation. Thankfully, we now have President Trump draining the swamp. And with that cleaning up of our government, it’s time for all Americans to revisit their feelings on politics … and vote.


Computers and Our Voting Habits

Americans are now living in the age of the computers. Everyone can voice their views in seconds, not days.

For some reason, so many Americans today are perfectly happy venting about their political leanings on social media and message boards. But come election day, they’re less inclined to actually go out and vote. Why is that? And how do we change that?


Educating America

There’s no doubt: a strong education system will add to our nation’s well being. It will also ensure that future generations continue to vote in the best interest of the American public.

Proper schooling is essential for children to learn about our nation’s history. Without a proper history of Americas founding, American values may still be lost over time. Learned early, these values will lead to a strong nation.

All of this is to say: when all Americans vote together, the nation is made stronger. Americans need to vote. And they need to vote based on the values that this country is founded upon. This is our responsibility as Americans. And mandating it may be the first step to ensuring our future.