Reverse the Damage With a National Pledge, Amendments and More…

National Pledge

I’m mad. Mad at all the conservative websites and radio stations that cannot come together on a very simple solution for drawing conservative Americans together. Mad at Joe Biden. And mad at whomever let this disaster happen.


The problem:

When President Trump talked about conservative values, he was making pledges to the American people about his objectives to make America great again. On the flip side, Biden never made a pledge. In fact, he never specifically stated how he would make America better.

In truth, Biden intends to make drastic changes based solely on adding to the nation’s budget, and rescinding President Trump’s executive orders. Everything Biden is doing is based on the printing of more money. The budget gap is further increasing. Soon, the American dollar will lose its value completely. When this happens, there will be no one to purchase goods and industries will be destroyed. The wealthy can whether this storm, but the middle class cannot.

Our country is in crisis.


The solution:

The solution is simple: There must be a pledge made up to swear an allegiance to specific conservative principles. I would strongly choose “The Heritage Foundation’s” pledge because it is the most specific to conservative American values, and more importantly to the Constitution. I mention the Heritage Foundation in my book “Having A National Pledge .”

This must be done in conjunction with the Republican party’s new National Pledge that will eliminate the misdeeds of both the Democratic and Republican (RINO’S) parties.

All members of the current Republican party need to sign this pledge for conservative ideals. Representatives who sign this pledge are thus promising the American people that they will not do anything against the interest of the American public, or they will lose their right to represent them.


The tenets of the pledge are as follows:

  • No representative will make more money than what he or she is paid
  • No representative will take offers or bribes to further his or her station
  • No representative will vote on bills to make them more wealth


Getting all conservative representatives to sign this pledge would help us form a strong base that can stand up to the Democrats, mainstream-media, and the far-far left groups wishing to tear down our nation.

Once a pledge can be agreed upon by President Trump’s team (and I mean the true representatives from his office, never the RINO representatives) it should then go out to all the American people by way of every conservative website and radio talk show host in America.


The message:

Sign a Nation-Wide Pledge to remove those that would tear down our nation.

Hopefully, Americans will be driven to act.


Why we need to take action:

I never voted for Joe Biden and I strongly believe the election was stolen from President Trump. That’s not news to anyone who knows me. All of that said, I’m still afraid, ashamed, and annoyed at the actions of the new administration. And we need to do something about it.

It’s only been a few months since Donald Trump left office, but the damage done in that short period of time has been staggering:


  • America has lost its might and its path. We have ceded our ability to take care of our own people, and instead have been giving our wealth to the rest of the world. 

  • The border situation is the worse it has ever been in the history of our nation (and growing worse by the minute). 

  • The number of executive orders overturning the work of our true president, Donald J. Trump, is staggering.

  • A recession is coming! Joe Biden has said he will not increase taxes for those making less than $79,000. But he doesn’t have to, since food, and the necessities of life (like gas for vehicles) are all going up faster than any taxes. Americans are left spending so much more money than they’re taking in. The future is bleak.


With all of this in mind, I recommend two additional actions that the American people can take, in addition to the national pledge.


  1. Get this administration out of office. Americans are already trying to recall the Senators of California and New York. So why can’t we do the same to the two highest individuals in the White House? (Note: I cannot bring it upon myself to call them president and vice president.) Americans must push back to reverse the incompetence taking place. 

  2. Think about amendments. I’m pushing for ones that call out all the major issues on the minds of Americans: requiring picture IDs for voters, closed borders, lower taxes, and less government involvement in the lives of Americans. We need to take this power out of the hands of Biden and Harris and give it back to the American public.

If we don’t take action now, we could be facing four more years of this kind of travesty.