Articles by Bradley Panvino

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Drastic Measures to Reduce Our Nation’s Debt

Drastic measures must be taken to reduce our nation’s debt. Americans must never again be dependent on another nation to keep America from its responsibilities. Our Congress should never have borrowed from another nation without…

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Losing Jobs in the Marketplace

Moving from a liberal agenda to a full conservative agenda will bring with it many out-of-work individuals. There is the real possibility of losing jobs in the public marketplace. However, moving employees out of government…

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What the Hell Happened?

Ronald Reagan came the closest of any president in history at moving our nation to conservative values. What happened—why then is America not a conservative nation? When President Reagan left office, politicians* and the two-party…

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The Nature of a Conservative

The Conservative is one that believes in religious and moral values. This nation was founded on religious and moral values for the equality of all individuals.* So why is it that whenever I read the…

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America at the Polling Booths

Making drastic changes, especially moving to a single party, starts at the polling booths. It will be up to Americans to move this nation forward by voting toward a single party that chooses conservative values…

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I Care

To start, I apologize for being away from my website for far too long, especially at a time of choosing the next presidential candidate. In my defense, I am a hard-working individual, and that work…

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Know the Conservative Issues & Vote

Focusing on conservative issues will pull our nation together. However, the presidential election is not that far away and what both parties talk about is pure rhetoric*—with both sides talking about being for the people,…

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Part Two: Entitlement Wows

After reading part one, part two just seems to fall into place: Presenters have been convincing the American public for decades that entitlements are needed for the good of this country. But, America needs to…