Publisher: Infinity Publishing
Format: Nonfiction; Political
ISBN: #10 0-7414-6259-1
ISBN: #13 978-0-7414-6259-6
Price: $9.95
Publication Date: December 2010
Pages: 68
The Unauthorized Conservative’s Handbook reveals what many Americans have long known: our nation’s government is losing its identity. The political system of government is broken, and it needs to be shaken up. Government needs to be taken apart and put back together with facts—with sound and proven means to set our nation on a better path than it is now.
The author’s wish is to bring America together based on Truth, based on a list of facts/frameworks and issues. Contained within this publication are examples to prove that only a new single-party platform is needed. Starting over may be the only viable means to correct government policies. The following shows why America needs to travel a different path:
- Government is getting nothing done for the people.
- Government continues to ignore important issues for the people.
- Government wastefully spends the American taxpayer’s money.
- Government Liberals and Conservatives are at polar opposites with nothing in common.
- Government is infected with a “Corruption or Chaos Virus” that contaminates politicians.
These issues represent the second list to focus on with desired outcomes for the betterment of American people, plus making major changes for our nation’s growth:
- A Balanced Budget
- Strong Military
- Freedom of Speech
- End to Corruption
- Abortions’ Removal
- Privatization of Government
- End to Entitlements
- Illegal Immigrants, Border Control
- Flat Tax Reform
- Removal of Currency
One final all-encompassing truth is that the Democratic Party needs to vote alongside the Conservative Party. This is the one major hope for our nation: to convince Democratic liberals that real truth is best situated in uniting the American people behind a single-party platform.
At the next political election in less than two years, it will be up to the American people to make the final decisions—not corporations, unions, special interest groups, foreign governments, politicians, or a president. When the American people go to the polls to vote, this vote must be so overwhelming that nothing can deny the voice of the people.
Together, America will stand; divided, America will fall.