Focusing on conservative issues will pull our nation together. However, the presidential election is not that far away and what both parties talk about is pure rhetoric*—with both sides talking about being for the people,…
After reading part one, part two just seems to fall into place: Presenters have been convincing the American public for decades that entitlements are needed for the good of this country. But, America needs to…
America is the last harbinger of a true Republic and is the only true Republic left for the world to follow. If America loses at the next election, so goes the world. Our Founding Fathers…
The Thin Layer does not work within or for any government or business; however, they are a small elite force directing the affairs between government and businesses. There has always been a Thin Layer of…
I was never very clear in my book The Unauthorized Conservative’s Handbook on how to better achieve a single-party platform. In this article, I will make clear what needs to take place for the true…
Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863. Within this speech lives one of America’s most profound truths and a key principle embedded within all religions*. It is this key component to…
The way to get rid of large government and the small tyranny* that comes with it is to reduce government’s size down to a pimple. Those in the decision making for the government believe they…